Interactive Keynotes
For your next conference, congress and top event.
Christian Lindemann creates his keynotes individually and in personal conversations with his customers. They offer valuable, actionable impulses, inspiration and motivation for every participant.
A unique mix of knowledge transfer and entertainment.
Christian Lindemann presents lectures, speeches, keynotes, dinner speeches at management conferences, congress events, anniversary celebrations, gala events, trade fair shows, kick-offs and customer events.
In four keynotes he brings his expertise to the stage:
01 Keynote Self-confidence
Showtime –
On the stages of life
Main topic: self-confidence + courage
Cirque du Soleil® star Christian Lindemann takes a look behind the scenes and provides translation work between the world stages and your everyday stages of life. One thing is always the same – every day is a performance! He passes on his wealth of experience to give everyone self-confidence and courage to be successful on the “stages of life”. He says: Getting 5,000 people on a show stage in Las Vegas to a standing ovation or turning your customers, your employees, your team into your fans relies on the same techniques. He'll reveal exactly this bag of tricks for you! Learn from a master of the stage how to generate attention, deal with focus and perception, create fascination, move and touch people and gain self-confidence for your challenges. A unique mixture of knowledge transfer and show!
“Inspiring and fascinating others is a key function in order to be a magnet for your counterpart!”
02 Keynote Sovereignty
Being more than it seems –
Sovereign on the stages of life
Main topic: Sovereignty
What embodies sovereignty? Who do we attribute it to? And how can you develop yours? With his special sending skills, Christian Lindemann takes on a dual role: as a fascinating artist personality with more than 20 years of performance expertise, and as a practice-oriented personality trainer. The artists' repertoire, from passion and self-confidence to mental strengths and quick-wittedness to expertise and a love of cooperation, is not rocket science. Sovereignty arises from a sum of tangible self-competencies that can be learned and trained. Benefit from his experience in the spotlight and receive a standing ovation for your personal stages of life. The role of your life is the concentrate of your personal strengths.
"Sovereignty does not need superlatives!"
03 Keynote Quick-wittedness
Gas canister vs. fire extinguisher –
Quick-wittedness with benefits
Main topic: Quick-wittedness
Strong characters are quick-witted! How do you train yourself to develop these strengths? As an international artist with Cirque du Soleil®, with 20 years of experience as a show expert, Christian Lindemann knows all about confident presence. He shows you what makes you quick-witted and trains his model, the three elements of quick-wittedness. Receive tips and methods that you can use immediately and look forward to sharpening your personal quick-wittedness. The best counter is always the one that suits your personality. The true masters of quick-wittedness are assertive minimal rhetoricians! It's never about quick-wittedness per se - it's always about the result. We shouldn't be interested in a tit-for-tat, but rather the next step on the way to a solution.
"Quick-wittedness is a quality that can shape a person's image."
04 Keynote Team strength
Take the lead confidently -
How strong managers bind employees to companies!
Main topic: team strength + sovereignty
The first part of the lecture focuses on personality strengths that help individuals move forward. This is about courage, passion, self-confidence, quick-wittedness, human potential, expertise ... in summary, sovereignty and increasing the personality brand. This strengthens employees and managers in their role. Sharpens their presence as role models. Makes them attractive as bosses when recruiting and retaining employees - counteracts the shortage of skilled workers! In the second part, the emphasis of the messages is on teams, companies and the industry. The interaction, the bundling of individual strengths into the big picture, the company's success. It's about showing a culture that consists of a large number of strong employees, but only in sum does the company brand, the company philosophy, result in a common success.
"Vitamin WE - too many cooks rock the broth!"
Impulses + Benefits
Translation work between the skills to master the show stages of the world and the everyday stages of life.
An artist's techniques for winning and inspiring people, engaging and to leave an impact.
The tools: passion, courage, self-confidence, sovereignty, quick-wittedness, creativity, originality, hard work, endurance, imagination, mental strength, communication techniques.
The interactive lectures and keynotes are knowledge impulses with high entertainment value and individually tailored to your company and your event.
They offer valuable, actionable impulses, inspiration, information and motivation for every participant. All lecture topics can be combined, even as a digital keynote.
Christian Lindemann presents his keynotes in English and German.
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
Ascent AG
Barmenia Allgemeine Versicherungs AG
beauty alliance Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
BHW Bausparkasse AG
BFS health finance GmbH
BVIK Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V.
BVMW Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft
CAPCO, A Wipro Company
COBA-Baustoffgesellschaft für Dach + Wand
Continentale Versicherungsverbund
DAIMLER AG, Mercedes-Benz Klausurtagung
DALK Deutscher Ausbildungsleiterkongress
Die Familienunternehmer e.V.
DKLK Deutscher Kitaleiterkongress
Dr. Babor GmbH & Co. KG
DSLK Deutscher Schulleiterkongress
DVAG Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG
d.velop AG
ELITA Personalberatung AG
empfehlensWERT GmbH & Co. KG
EWE Vertrieb GmbH
FG Finanz-Service AG
GastroBizz GmbH
GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG
GOLDWELL, Kao Austria GmbH
hagebau connect GmbH & Co. KG
Hermann Bantleon GmbH
IKK classic
Industrieclub Magdeburg e.V.
ISS Facility Services Holding GmbH
Juris Treuhand AG
KOSMETIK International Verlag GmbH
Kreissparkasse, bundesweit
Laboratoire Biosthétique Kosmetik GmbH & Co. KG
Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co. KG
LOGITECH Europe S.A. Schweiz
Lufthansa City Center Reisebüropartner GmbH
MCI Schweiz AG, SVIT Forum Switzerland
MEET Live GmbH, The Circle Conference Zürich
MICROSOFT Deutschland GmbH
Nelson Bostock Unlimited London
Öffentliche Feuerversicherung Sachsen-Anhalt
persona service AG & Co. KG, Fachforum
Premium Conferences GmbH, Alpensymposium
Reservix GmbH
9th Richmond Financial Directors´ Forum Schweiz
12th Richmond Financial Industry Forum Schweiz
RINN Beton- und Naturstein GmbH & Co. KG
SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG
Shop-Apotheke Service B.V.
SPARKASSE, bundesweit
Spitzke SE
SPRECHERHAUS® – Rohstoff Wissen®
STRABAG Real Estate GmbH
SüdLeasing GmbH
SüdFactoring GmbH
SVIT Schweiz
Swiss Life Select Deutschland GmbH
Team 93, Verbund der Augenoptiker Schweiz, Takeaway Express GmbH
TOBIT Software AG
Union Investment Privatfonds GmbH
Volksbank eG, bundesweit
Windhoff Software Services GmbH
WKO, Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich
WKO, Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten
Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH
Yourdelivery GmbH
XING New Work SE
Zugerberg Finanz AG